Showing Results (199) For: connected tv

Showing Results 16-24 Of 199

Thinking Long Term With Connected TV Ads

What matters more to a performance marketer—achieving short-term or long-term goals? Likely, it is both. Ten years ago, marketing effectiveness experts Peter Field and Les Binet released The Long and the Short of It, a study of the short-term flaws...

March 6, 2023

How Retail Brands Are Using Connected TV Advertising to Reach Today’s Customer

Streaming services are growing in popularity among consumers in the United States, so much so that the number of streaming viewers surpassed cable and broadcast viewers for the first time in 2022.  However, consumers have adopted an omnichannel approach to...

February 24, 2023

How Reach and Creative Personalization Intersect on Connected TV

Is there such a thing as too much reach that dilutes your brand message? Seth Godin once said, “When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one.” In this digest, we'll explore whether or not there is such a...

January 26, 2023

Connected TV Creates a Halo Effect For Paid Search and Social

Connected TV has stormed the scene over the past few years, becoming a high-impact and effective marketing touchpoint for advertisers. The sight, sound, and motion of the TV screen combined with the digital roots of paid search and social elevate...

January 25, 2023

Identifying and Reaching the ‘Movable Middle’ on Connected TV

Connected TV advertising works best with an audience-first, instead of content-first approach, which raises the age-old question, “How do I find the sweet spot in the first place?” Audience segmentation is much more than demographics and simple economic factors, and...

December 19, 2022

Year in Review: Our Favorite Connected TV Consumer Insights of 2022

2022 has been a big year for Connected TV (CTV)—the number of users has grown to ~225.7M and in July, CTV viewership surpassed broadcast and cable TV. While these factors bode well for the future of CTV, it’s important to...

December 15, 2022

Pick Your Mix: How to Determine Your Optimal Creative Mix on Connected TV

Often advertisers make the mistake of skipping a few steps before launching their Connected TV campaigns. Though we’ve covered the creative elements that are known to drive performance, there’s another question that brands need to answer before even getting to...

November 29, 2022

The Rise of the ‘Micro Moment’ For B2B Brands And What This Means For Connected TV

What is a Micro-moment? Nowadays, it looks like it takes more than eight touchpoints to win over a customer—especially a B2B customer. “Micro-moments” are gaining traction, as prospective customers do their due-diligence, including viewing detailed product specifications, comparisons and reviews....

October 24, 2022