Showing Results (167) For: connected tv

Showing Results 1-8 Of 167

Connected TV Ad Attention Grew in Q1

Every year, new upgrades in advertising technology have improved the experience of watching (and being served) ads on Connected TV. And a new study reveals that attention to quality is paying off, with more viewers glued to Connected TV ads...

June 6, 2024

Connected TV: The Ultimate Performance Glow-Up for Beauty and Cosmetics Brands

The cosmetics and beauty sector was the fastest-growing US retail category in 2023. Unlike other industry verticals, this sector has remained steadfast, with the term “affordable luxury” being  the beauty biz’s latest buzzword. “Consumers are continuing to spend on beauty...

May 3, 2024

How Does Your Performance Grow? For Home and Garden Brands, It’s With Connected TV

April showers bring May flowers, or so the adage goes. It holds true for many home and garden brands, as well — if by “showers” you mean “ad spend,” and by “flowers” you mean “great marketing outcomes.” To get a...

April 18, 2024

For Connected TV Advertisers, Performance Blooms in Spring

For most brands, the winter holidays are key to increasing business, but there’s a lesser-known seasonal event gaining momentum with advertisers and consumers alike: Spring Black Friday (SBF). Unlike its predecessor, SBF isn’t just one day. Instead, it encompasses all the...

March 28, 2024

The Hottest Trend With Fashion and Apparel Advertisers: Connected TV

2024 Will Be a Standout Year For Digital Advertising Nearly 264 million people in the U.S. viewed digital video content in 2023 — that’s a staggering 77% of the population. And in 2024, that number is expected to rise by...

February 23, 2024

Curating Context: An Analysis of Brand Favorability and Connected TV Ads

“In addition to being able to find people wherever they are, it’s incredibly important that [brands] understand where their ads are running, because that’s going to have a direct impact [for business outcomes] and a long-term impact on brand perception.”...

December 4, 2023

Go Left or Right? An Analysis of Connected TV Ad Creative on Performance Outcomes

Ever wondered why certain ads make you feel some type of way? The types of creative elements used in ad creative have a major impact on performance — and the two sides of the brain. “[They] pay different types of...

October 27, 2023

How Connected TV Will Weather the Great Content Drought of 2024

It’s been a dramatic year in the entertainment industry, and we’re not just talking about Love is Blind’s epic live-stream fail. No, Hollywood was upended in 2023 by a pair of strikes by the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and...

October 13, 2023