Showing Results (189) For: Ads

Showing Results 8-16 Of 189

Why Inflation and the Rising Costs of Streaming Are Driving Viewers to Ads

As we enter 2023, Connected TV is more ubiquitous, more popular, and more expensive than ever. In the past year, almost every major streaming service—aside from Paramount+ and Peacock – raised their prices for ad-free streaming (Fig. 1). Some of...

February 5, 2023

Crazier, the Better: The Art (and Science) of Local TV Ads

Everyone Remembers a Certain Local TV Ad, and For Good Reason "Go see Cal, go see Cal, go see Cal!""His prices are INSAAAANE!""Aye aye! Goodbye!" Depending on where you are in the world, these taglines are instantly recognizable. They’re the...

January 4, 2023

Retailers Tie Goals to CTV Ads Easier Than Linear TV

For about as long as the format has existed, linear TV has been a favored ad channel of the retail industry. Regardless of vertical, size, or geographic location, retailers have leveraged television’s audio-visual capabilities to showcase merchandise, promote sales, and...

December 14, 2022

Data Reveals Increased Investment in CTV Leads to Better Performance

As viewers flock to Connected TV, advertisers are evaluating their ad budgets and figuring out how to work this ad channel into their mix. In the past, TV has traditionally been an awareness play, focusing solely on the upper funnel....

December 5, 2022

Peeks Remix: Do Audiences Agree with Marketers on the Most Effective TV Ads?

MNTN Research recently released our first Peeks Report, which shared the findings of a poll that asked marketers a simple question:  What’s the most effective TV ad you’ve ever seen, and why?  The results of the study shed light on...

November 11, 2022

How Context and Ad Positioning Affects the Success of Your CTV Ads

A solid Connected TV commercial produces better results when it’s served alongside the right content. However, many questions remain—what defines the ‘right content’? And how can brands ensure that the audience they are targeting aligns with this content? Thankfully, there...

November 4, 2022

What Video Types are Most Effective for Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday CTV Ads?

Did you know that if it wasn’t for a football game between the Army and the Navy, the business world may never have thought of offering deep discount savings to shoppers on the day after Thanksgiving? Black Friday, as it’s...

November 4, 2022

The Power Duo: Product Placement and CTV Ads Work Best

Why Product Placement Matters Product placement is more than a subliminal message–it’s a hybrid message. A study by Business Research Methodology reveals that product placements contain both advertising and publicity—two necessary ingredients that move the needle for brands. Not only...

October 14, 2022